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Big4WallStreet Finance Blog


Excel Financial Model Financial Modeling LBO Leveraged Buy Out Model

A leveraged buyout is the acquisition of a company using a significant amount of borrowed funds to pay for the purchase price of the company.

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Management Accounting (Part 2)

accounting cost accounting cost per unit costs fixed costs management accounting semi variable costs variable costs

Cost Behaviors, Management Accounting

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Management Accounting

accounting break even analysis budgeting controlling cost decision making finance management accounting planning

1.           Intro to Management Accounting a.    Definition  “Management accounting is a system which analyses historical, actual and forecast data to provide managers the information for decision making.”    b.   The management accounting department The department provides management information for:  Planning: budget for the year, budget updates during the year, long term plan beyond the year.  Controlling: how do the revenues and costs compare with the budgeted ones and those of the previous periods. What are the variances? What are the reasons for the variances?  Decision Making: profitability assessment, buildup of selling prices, product costs comparisons (inventory, manufacturing, labor etc..), make...

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Valuation Pitfalls

discount rates growth pitfall valuation

The difficulty of a valuation does not focus on how to find and apply any of the chosen methods, but rather on the ability to predict the future. In practice what is valued is the business model, the company strategy, the attraction of its products, its prospects and its risks.

Below we outline a series of pitfalls common among analysts and investors related to the valuation of a company.

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Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Capital Asset Pricing Model capital structure CAPM Cost of Debt Cost of equity country risk premium CRP Leverage WACC Weighted average cost of capital

The weighted average cost of capital (“WACC”) is the rate of return that investors expect from investing in a given company instead of other companies with similar risk125. The WACC can be calculated by determining its three components: the after-tax cost of debt, the cost of equity and the company’s target capital structure126.

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